Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Napolitano in Denver - Her initiatives are in the tank

While Governor Janet Napolitano goes around the DNC shaking hands and meeting delegates, her Transportation and State Trust Land initiatives have been permanently removed from the ballot.

The State Supreme Court upheld the ruling last week that the challenges to the Secretary of State were not filed in time. The result is that Prop 103 "Conserving Arizona's Water and Land" and Prop 203 "Transportation Infrastructure Moving Arizona's Economy" will not be on the ballot.

Espresso Pundit is covering the Channel 12 round table where Arizona Democratic Party spokesperson Emily Bittner-DeRose is claiming that Secretary of State Jan Brewer somehow "fixed" the process to skew the sample. While the statement is ludicrous, don't think that this is the last time that the finger is going to be pointed away from the people who were really responsible. The fact is, the Governor and her handpicked people dropped the ball on these initiatives. Ultimately, they didn't fail because of the sample, they failed because they didn't challenge in enough time.

We're sure that not taking the signatures from the Home builders to make a point seems very foolhardy at this point. It would be interesting for them to run some validity checks on their sample to see how they did compared to the abysmal results that those guys were able to achieve.

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